Welcome To SOMZ Consultants

5A Technical Proposal Submission Form

Dhaka, 18/02/2024


Prof. Dr.
Robed Amin
Line Director
Non-Communicable Disease Control Program
Room No. 616, DGHS (Old Building, 5th Floor),
Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.

Dear Sirs:

We, the undersigned, offer to provide  consulting services for conducting  research on “Facilitators barrier and Potential solutions to access and delivery of quality care for major Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) through NCD Corners in Bangladesh      in accordance with your Request for Proposal dated 24.01.2024 and our Proposal. We are hereby submitting our Proposal, which includes the Technical Proposal, and the Financial Proposal sealed under two separate envelopes.

If negotiations are held during the period of validity of the Proposal, i.e., before the date indicated in Clause Reference 41 & 42 of the Proposal Data Sheet, we undertake to negotiate on the basis of the proposed staff. Our Proposal is binding upon us and subject to the modifications resulting from Contract negotiations.

We undertake, if our Proposal is accepted, to initiate the consulting services related to the assignment not later than the date indicated in Clause Reference 52.1 of the Proposal Data Sheet.

We also confirm that the Government of Bangladesh has not declared us, or any sub-consultants for any part of the Contract, ineligible on charges of engaging in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices. We furthermore, pledge not to indulge in such practices in competing for or in executing the Contract, and we are aware of the relevant provisions of the Proposal Document (ITC Clause 4).

We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.

We remain

Authorized Signature
Name and title of Signatory
(Dr. A. E. Md. Muhiuddin Osmani)
Chief Consultant
Name of FirmSOMZ Consultants
Address65/Ka, Psiciculture Housing Society, Shyamoli, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207.
Contact no: +8801715788129
Email: somz.consultants@gmail.com

5A2 Consultant’s Organization and Experience

A.    Consultation’s Organization:

As a reputed national level consulting firm, SOMZ Consultants composed of a group of multi-disciplined experts shares its keen interest to carry out the assignment demonstrating the best level of efficiency and efficacy. Over the last 11 years the firm has been providing consulting services in different areas. It works in close collaboration and coordination with GOB, NGOs, Development Partners, CSOs and private sectors to supplement and complement the nation building efforts in the field of development and planning.

On the way to move towards becoming a consulting firm with eminence and recognition, experts of SOMZ Consultants are enriched with a successful history of working in different areas of study, research and development planning. Particularly, its multi-dimensional experts have a significant contribution to the following areas:

  • Preparation of different phased Sector Plan (First, second, third and fourth Sector Programme) including Program Implementation Plan and Operational Plans of Health, Nutrition and Population Sector Program (five-year plan following sector-wide approach – SWAp) of Bangladesh
  • Detailed study on Medical and other related education sector to find out main challenges faced by the undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  • Development of course- curricula, teaching manual, and related other items of undergraduate and postgraduate Medical Education.
  • Experience in the preparation of Strategic Plan/Sector Action Plan (SAP) of a Sector analyzing the absorption capacity, historical data (APA, Time/cost over-run of project/Programme, efficiency/effectiveness, impact of projects, etc. of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and other Ministries.
  • Exploration of future culture, technology, competitive advantage, challenges like climate change, and strategy used by similar/neighboring countries, etc.
  • Experience in the preparation of long-term and medium-term plans like Delta Plan-2100, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Five Year Plans (6th, 7th & 8th FYPs), Sector Approach Program on Education and Health sectors
  • Experiences of Project preparation, processing for approval, financing and implementation procedures along with Monitoring & Evaluation,
  • Preparation of DPP/TAPP/Programme/Policy analyzing the situations, stakes of the parties, Log Frame/RBME, Viability criteria like BCR, NPV, IRR, ERR, etc.
  • Work Break-down Structure (WBS) linking with Economic codes, work plan
  • Project Feasibility Study/Appraisal using SWOT, Stakeholders, Problem/Demand analysis, environment, Disaster, Sustainability, Financial/Economic, Risk/uncertainty with Sensitivity analysis, etc.
  • Experience of needed financial management, budgeting, Fiscal and monitory policy

Particularly, it has a significant contribution to conduct the following mentioned studies in health sector.

SOMZ Consultants’ notable contribution to the health sector of Bangladesh:

  1. i) Preparation of Master Plan, DPP and Feasibility study for Establishment of the “Chandpur Medical College & Hospital and Chandpur Nursing College”
  2. ii) Feasibility study for “Establishment of the Chandpur Institute of Health Technology”
  • iii) Preparation of separate Master Plan, DPP and Feasibility study for “Establishment of Six Medical Colleges & Hospitals at Six different districts: Rangamati, Nilphamari, Naogaon, Netrokona, Magura, and Habiganj districts” (This work is done as a sub contract work under the Institute of Health Economics of Dhaka University).
  1. iv) Research on “To Maintain the quality of teaching of medical teachers of both Govt. and non-Govt. sector would be acquainted with the teaching methodologies” under DGME.
  2. v) TB

With a view to conducting the proposed assignment SOMZ consultants has assembled an expert pool from multiple disciplines who have the capacities to carry out the assignment diligently. The experts have come from different professional area, have excellent educational background and capacities of working in different professional environment. The group is composed of medical professionals, academic researchers from different area, policy makers who have long experience working health sectors. The medical professionals have vast experiences in policy formulations, reform initiation and implementation, teaching, health management and administration, adoption of curriculum for medical education. The team has the experts who have long experience of working with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and other ministries. They have the capacity to prepare short-, medium- and long-term sectoral plans and translate those into implementation strategies. They were actively involved with the preparation of SWAPs like HPSP, HNPSP, HPNSDP and HPNSP. Their combined efforts would definitely help achieving the expected objectives and outputs of the assignment. Considering the remarkable team spirit along with the experiences generated from the previously conducted studies by the firm itself and proposed key professionals, SOMZ Consultants has the best level of proficiency and prominence to carry out the proposed Research activities: “Facilitators barrier and Potential solutions to access and delivery of quality care for major Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) through NCD Corners in Bangladesh.” Attached herewith the specific information of the SOMZ Consultants along with the CVs of its multi-disciplined intellectuals for your kind consideration:

General Information of the organization

01.Name of Firm:SOMZ Consultants
02.Category of Firm:Consulting Firm
03.Present address with Contracts:

House-65, Block-Ka, Pisciculture Housing Society,

Shyamoli, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207,

Phone: +880248111015, +8801715 788 129,



04.Legal Status:

License with Dhaka South City Corporation

License No.: TRAD/DSCC/368119/2019

05.Date of Establishment:2011
06.Age of the Firm:13 Years
07.TIN and VAT Registration:

TIN: 664290238605 & VAT/BIN: 000919244-0402

(Copy of TIN and VAT Registration and Certificates are attached as Annexure-2)

08.Contact person:

Dr. A. E. Md. Muhiuddin Osmani


Chief Consultant

Mob.: +8801517262640;

E-mail:  muhiuddin.osmani@gmail.com


09.Office space:Approximately 2,000 sft.
10.Manpower-full time and intermittent:


CategoriesFull timePart-timeTotal
Sr. Level0802080119
11.Fixed Asset:


CarComputerLaptopPhoto copy machinePrinterMultimedia
TableProjectorDigital CameraMotor CycleBi-cycleAir condition

Specific Information of the organization


SOMZ Consultants composed of a group of multi-disciplined experts shares its keen interest to carry out the assignment demonstrating the best level of efficiency and efficacy. It works in close collaboration and coordination with GOB, NGOs, Development Partners, CSOs and private sectors to supplement and complement the nation building efforts in the field of development and planning.


Our Mission is to fulfill the needs of the clients in the field of development & planning through excellence and innovative offering multi-disciplinary services of international standard at reasonable cost.


Our vision is to become one of the best professional and development consulting firms in Bangladesh by offering the global standard consulting services and development solutions to the clients.

Strategic Plan of SOMZ Consultants, 2021-2025:

In line with above-mentioned mission and vision SOMZ Consultants developed a five-year strategic plan (SP) in consultation with its clients and other stakeholders exploring the possibilities of improving the knowledge areas for efficient and effective performance in all the development windows.

Management and Operation:

SOMZ Consultants conducts its operational management using a central office in Dhaka, which is organized in three units:

  • Program Management Unit.
  • Finance and Administration Unit.
  • Training, Research and Survey Unit.

Monitoring and Supervision System

SOMZ Consultants has a central office which is responsible for strategic decision-making process, conducting training for human resources development and other planning and policy making matters. The Chief Operating Officer (CEO) of SOMZ Consultants is overall responsible for the company and Chief Consultant of the firm is responsible for planning, organizing, implementation, monitoring and supervision of the organizational activities. There is also an Advisory Board which assists the CEO and Chief Consultant to make policy decision and implementation of the organization activities headed by Chief Advisor.

Areas of Expertise in Conducting Survey/Research/Study

SOMZ Consultants has almost 11 years of working experience in different areas including impact evaluation/survey/study, Preparation of project profiles, DPP/TAPP, Feasibility Study, preparation of reports on in-depth monitoring etc. The brief description and the name of evaluation/survey/research/study are as follows:



Name of AssignmentMajor Activities
01.Feasibility Study for Establishment of the 18 (Eighteen) District Shilpakala Academies

 SOMZ Consultants performed the following activities:

–    Develop the study design and planning

–    Develop data collection instruments (with field test)

–    Collect data from the intervention areas

–    Data quality control

–    Data editing and data coding

–    Data entry

–    Data Analysis

–    Write draft report

–    Finalize study the report

–    Organize the dissemination workshops to present the study findings.


02.Feasibility Study for Repair & Renovation of the 22 (Twenty-two) District Shilpakala Academies
03.Preparation of Master Plan, DPP and Feasibility Study of “Chandpur Medical College & Hospital and Nursing College.”
04.Feasibility Study for Establishment of the “Institute of Health Technology in Chandpur.”
05.Feasibility Study for “Establishment of President Abdul Hamid Shilpakala Academy and Regional Cultural Centre at Mithamain, Kishoreganj”.
06.Feasibility Study for “Construction of Muktagacha Upazila Cultural Center”.
07.Feasibility Study for “Maintenance & Renovation of Mymensingh District Shilpakala Academy”.
08.Feasibility Study for “Maintenance & Renovation of Sunamganj District Shilpakala Academy”.
09.Preparation of Master Plan, DPP and Feasibility study for Establishment Of Six Medical Colleges & Hospitals:i.e.
9A.Establishment of Naogaon Medical College & Hospital.
9B.Establishment of Nilphamari Medical College & Hospital
9C.Establishment of Magura Medical College & Hospital.
9D. Establishment of Sheikh Hasina Medical College & Hospital, Habiganj.
9E. Establishment of Kurigram Medical College and Hospital.
 9F Establishment of Rangamati Medical College and Hospital.
10.Feasibility study for Establishment of Bangabandhu Academy for Poverty Alleviation and Regional Development (BAPARD), Gopalganj.
11.Feasibility Study for Construction of BCS (Tax) Training Academy.
12.Preparation of DPP for Construction of BCS (Tax) Training Academy.
13.Research on “To Maintain the quality of teaching of medical teachers of both Govt. and non-Govt. sector would be acquainted with the teaching methodologies” under DGME.


List of Logistics and Fixed Assets

SOMZ Consultants is a well-equipped and furnished organization. Details are as follows:


Sl. NoName and description of the office equipmentYear of procurementQuantityStatus
01.Computer with all accessories2015-202210good
06.Generator for emergency electricity supply20151good
10.Furniture2015-2022Few setsgood
11.White Board20151good
12.Overhead projector20161good
15.Steel Camera20161good
16.Video Camera20171good
17.Conference Chair20171good
20.Steel Almirah20178good

SOMZ’s Training facilities

Regular On-the-Job, In-house and external training are provided on the following issues:

  • Different kind of Surveys like Field survey, reconnaissance survey, digital surveys, etc.
  • Statistical sampling, questionnaire preparation, data collection, compilation, analysis, decision making
  • Preparation of Feasibility study/business case: Demand/supply analysis, SWOT analysis, stakeholder analysis, STEEPLE (Social, technical/technological, environmental, economic, political, legal and ethical) analysis.
  • Project Financial, Economic and Sensitivity Analysis
  • Preparation of DPP, TAPP, TPP and their processing for approval
  • Project revision and time extension
  • Environmental issues, EIA, DIA.
  • Land acquisition, land use plan, mitigation of land disputes, resettlement, basic concepts on land laws.
  • Office management, advance computer training like EXCEL, Access, etc.
  • Training on 10 knowledge areas:
  • Project integration management
  • Project planning, execution, M & E, control technique, project closing
  • Public procurement (procurement planning, preparation of proposal on goods, works and services, evaluation of bids, contract formation & management.)
  • Project risk management
  • Human resources management
  • Financial and economic analysis, sensitivity analysis
  • Conflict management
  • Communication management
  • Project schedule management (CPM/PERT/ Gantt/Load charts preparation)
  • Testing of engineering materials (Concrete, steel, ceramics, plastics, wooden materials, bricks, aggregate, cements, etc.)
  • Preparation of Architectural model/prototype, CA drawings
  • Civil engineering estimates, measurements, etc.

B- Consultants Experience
The detailed description of the similar project as per TOR format has been presented in the following pages:

C-2. Project Data Sheets

Project Data Sheets (PDSs) of major works undertaken by the consulting firm


House-65, Block- Ka, Pisciculture Housing Society, Shyamoli, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207



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