PDS No:02

Assignment Name:

Feasibility Study on Abdul Hamid Shilpakala Academy and Regional Cultural Center at Mithamain, Kishoreganj

 Approx Value of the contract: Tk 3.00 Lacs
Assignment Location

Country: Bangladesh

within country: Mithamain,                  Kishoreganj

 Duration of Assignment (months): 3(Three) months
Name of client: Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy,

Ministry of Cultural Affairs

Address: Shegunbagicha, Ramna, Dhaka-1000.

 Professional Staff Provided by our Organization:

No. of staff: 6(Six)

No. of Staff-Months: 18(Eighteen) man-months

Start Date: March, 2021 Completion Date: June, 2021
Name of Joint Venture Consultants, if any: N/A  No of staff-Months of Professional Staff provided by Joint Venture Consultants: N/A
Name of senior staff (Project director/ coordinator/ team leader) Involved and functions performed:

Eng Abul Kalam Azad

Eng. Shishir Kumar Shil

Abul Hasan Khaja Md. Baki Billah

Md. Sajedul Islam Shamim


Detailed Narrative Description of Project: The empirical method of this study encompasses the approach of garnering data from different stakeholders using both quantitative and qualitative tools. The quantitative approach indicates the community survey, where the qualitative aspect includes the following techniques: KII (Key-Informant Interview), FGD (Focus Group Discussion), and IDI (In-Depth Interview).

The study explores the viability of establishing the Abdul Hamid Shilpakala Academy and Regional Cultural Center at Mithamain, Kishoreganj.

Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Staff:


Our assignment was to prepare a Feasibility Study, which is a ‘Business case,’ the main objective of which was to prepare a report with recommendations for the above-mentioned investment project. There were three milestones of our study: Inception Report by 10 May 2021, Draft Report by 31 May 2021, and Final Report by 16 June 2021.

The project scope was analyzed to identify physical limits. Then, a Feasibility study, including engineering estimates for the preparation of the draft development project proposal (DPP), was done. Data were gathered through brainstorming, interviews, FGDs, questionnaires, and engineering surveys, and some national documents were also reviewed (8th Five Year Plan, Perspective Plan (2021-41), Bangladesh Constitution, and Historical Speech delivered on the 7th March of 1971 by the Father of the Nation).

Data was analyzed, and the final report was prepared.

Findings of the Project:

The report shows that the project ‘Abdul Hamid Shilpakala Academy and Regional Cultural Center at Mithamain, Kishoreganj’ seems physically and technologically viable. It makes a good contribution to poverty reduction and women’s development. The proposed project, “Establishment of Abdul Hamid Shilpakala Academy and Regional Cultural Center at Mithamain, Kishoreganj,” was found to be viable and recommended in the final report.


Name of the Firm                                                           SOMZ Consultants

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